Þriðjudagur 11. mars, 2025
3.3 C

The shooting in Hafnarfjörður: Six-year-old boy and his father were inside one of the cars


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This morning, there was a shooting in Hafnarfjörður, on the street Miðvangur. It was originally reported that a man had shot at a stationary car, parked in a parking lot between a residential building and a kindergarten.

Police’s special forces were at the scene quickly and at around 8 am their numbers had increased, and they wore bulletproof vests. Soon, the special forces had entered the apartment building from where the shots had been fired. The suspect lives in the apartment from where the shots were allegedly fired.

The kindergarten Víðivellir was closed during the operations. Seventeen children and twenty-one employees were already present at the school when the siege began this morning. The children’s parents were alerted about the situation and assured that they were all safe inside during the siege. Parents that had yet to bring their kids to the school were asked to remain at home. During the siege, routes both to and from the kindergarten were sealed.

About four hours later, at around 12:20 pm, the suspected shooter surrendered to police and was arrested and brought in for questioning. Soon after that, it was reported that he had in fact shot at two cars, not one, as was believed to be the case this morning. Moreover, the second car had not been vacant at all. At first, reports stated that a man had in fact been inside the vehicle when it was shot at. A little later, it was revealed that he had not been alone, but had his six-year-old son in the car with him. Apparently, he had been dropping his son off to the kindergarten when the shots hit the car. The man said that he was in great shock, when Vísir spoke to him. He wanted to remain anonymous and chose not to comment any further. The man does not know the shooter and does not live on the street. The fact that they were shot at seems to be coincident.

Luckily, nobody was injured. It is however clear that things could have turned out much worse.

According to police, the suspect was to be interrogated today, as official investigation into the shooting commences. The shooting is being investigated as an attempted murder.


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