Þriðjudagur 11. mars, 2025
4.4 C

Return of the Cocoa Puffs: „We think that the manufacturer did a very good job“


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„This change enables us to deliver Cocoa Puffs back to Iceland, so the nation may once again enjoy this immensely popular cereal with less sugar and fat, and more protein.“ This is part of a newly released announcement from Nathan & Olsen, General Mills’ distributor in Iceland.

The much-adored cereal Cocoa Puffs disappeared from Iceland’s shelfs in the beginning of 2021. Now, it is finally returning, in just a few days time. The first batch has reportedly already been delivered.

According to the announcement, the recipe has been adapted to standards and regulations of the European Union and the EEA.

„We think that the manufacturer did a very good job and we are happy to again be able to offer this amazing brand, Cocoa Puffs, to the people in Iceland, like we have done in the past decades,“ says Ari Fenger, owner of Nathan & Olsen, General Mills’ distributor in Iceland.


This article was originally published in Icelandic.


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