Þriðjudagur 11. mars, 2025
3.8 C

Hörður Jónasson donated his household items to Ukrainian refugees


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Hörður Jónasson, a former driver, donated most of his furniture and household items to refugees from Ukraine.

Hörður had advertised his things free of charge. However, he then decided to give the items to refugees at Bifröst university campus. Fréttablaðið originally reported on this.

Hörður got in contact with a couple from Hafnarfjörður that was collecting furniture and other items for an apartment for refugees.

The couple were able to get quite a lot of things from Hörður; a refrigerator, two beds, dining room table, chairs, curtains, mirrors, cutlery, hangers, an iron and ironing board, among other things. „Just name it, nearly everything you would need for one household,“ Hörður says on his Facebook page.

Hörður says that his heart is bursting with joy since the couple took about 80% of his items. He claims this to be his contribution to the cause and says that his furniture is now back at his old university, Bifröst.

This article was originally published in Icelandic by Salome Friðgeirsdóttir.


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