Þriðjudagur 11. mars, 2025
4.4 C

Hiring at the office of Efling will cost at least 15 million – Meeting for union members tomorrow


- Auglýsing -


- Auglýsing -

The board of Efling has faced a lot of criticism since laying off all employees working in the union’s office. This decision, made by the chairman Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir, has triggered some harsh responses from the public. People seem to either condemn the chairman’s decision or embrace it as part of Jónsdóttir’s fight for salary increase for the lowest paid.

Members of the union have requested a meeting tomorrow to discuss the board’s decision and get chance to have their opinions on the matter heard. The meeting will take place in Valsheimilið, at 18 o’clock.

Gabríel Benjamin, Rights and Employment Terms Officer at Efling, said in an interview with Mannlíf yesterday:

„I am glad that members of the union will be truly able to have their voices heard, to really express how they feel about these actions.“

The consulting firm Hagvangur will handle the hiring of new employees for the various positions at the office of Efling. The process will be expensive.

Employees working in the office are now 57 but the positions are meant to be only 40 after the hiring of new personnel. The positions in the office will therefore be 17 fewer than before. Hagvangur is likely set to hire six people for the positions of division managers, managers, and assistant managers. The price tag for hiring a division manager or manager is ISK 890.000, according to Vísir. Hiring of general office employees and other specialists is said to cost between ISK 330.000 to ISK 445.000 per employee.

- Auglýsing -

According to these numbers, the cost of hiring new employees for the office of Efling will be at least ISK 15 million; possibly even more.

One of the main arguments the board has used for laying off the office employees is cutting costs and getting certified for equal pay.


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