Leik- og söngkonan Jennifer Lopez vakti mikla athygli á rauða dreglinum á Golden Globe hátíðinni í nótt. Hún klæddist kjól frá Valentino sem vakið hefur mikið umtal. Kjóllinn er ekki að skora hátt hjá netverjum sem hafa gert óspart grín að þessum óvenjulega kjól á samfélagsmiðlum.
Margir hafa t.d. líkt honum við jólapakka, jólaskraut og jafnvel Júdas.

Hér fyrir neðan má sjá brot af því gríni sem hefur verið gert að kjól Lopez síðan í nótt.
I know where @JLo got her inspiration #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/k7XBGQclpl
— Anna (@AnnaJKozak) January 6, 2020
I’m still, I’m still Arya from the block! #GoldenGlobes @JLo #fashionpolice #whoworeitbetter pic.twitter.com/iet8SRwdiv
— PawsofWinterfell (@PawsWinterfell) January 6, 2020
Who wore it better? Jennifer Lopez or San Juditas Tadeo? #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/NsR6qJ509w
— dani #BLM (@TowerwhiteDani) January 6, 2020
OMG… it was an homage to Carol! https://t.co/5n4gRD0j1F
— kendis (@kendisgibson) January 6, 2020
Jennifer Lopez looks like she tripped and fell backwards through a Michael’s pic.twitter.com/gVLJLQxVdC
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) January 6, 2020
We need to talk about @JLo dress. pic.twitter.com/AXTWzerTkT
— Amanda Koren (@Gmoneysparkles) January 6, 2020
OMG JLo is wearing @VancityReynolds Christmas sweater. #goldenglobes2020 #GoldenGlobes pic.twitter.com/HDRuSvvkmz
— TuffTiff (@TriffyTiff) January 6, 2020
Who wore it best at the #GoldenGlobes , JLo or the gift? pic.twitter.com/fqgMDDE59p
— SinnamonS ♥ (@SinnamonS) January 6, 2020