Þriðjudagur 18. mars, 2025
8.8 C

Fitness-stjarna kemur sér í form eftir barnsburð


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Fitness-stjarnan og einkaþjálfarinn Emily Skye er mjög opin á Instagram og hefur leyft fylgjendum sínum að fylgjast með því hvernig hún kemur sér í form eftir barnsburð, en hún eignaðist dótturina Miu í desember á síðasta ári.

Emily birti árangurinn sem hún hefur náð á aðeins tveimur mánuðum á þriðjudaginn og eins og sést á myndunum er farið að glitta í kviðvöðva Emily á ný.

Physically speaking I will never be the same (which isn’t a bad thing) and I’m making the most of what I’ve got. I’ve still got loose skin on my belly but my abs are beginning to make a comeback – which shows me that what I’m doing is working (following my FIT Program)! . Some people misunderstand my reasons for living a fit and active lifestyle and think it’s “selfish” because I’m now a mum. Being fit, strong and healthy is important to me mainly because of how it makes me feel. And if I feel good I’m happy, and I’m a much better mum to my daughter Mia and a better partner to my man Dec and so on. I also like being strong for myself because I like it and I love the look of a strong physique! My focus is always on being healthy but I like to look good too and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to look good!! I’m not sure why there seems to be a stigma attached to wanting to look good. As long as I’m not ever sacrificing my health to look a certain way and as long as it doesn’t negatively affect my family I don’t see anything wrong with it – in fact I see everything RIGHT with it! . Do what makes you happy regardless of what anyone else thinks – as long as it doesn’t directly hurt anybody. – These are words I live by and what I’ll instil in my daughter. The last thing I want is for her to live to please others (like I used to) – there is a difference between showing love and doing nice things for people and trying to constantly please others at the expense of your own happiness. . This lifestyle makes me happy so I’m going to keep living it and I encourage you to live a life that makes you happy too. ? . What makes you happy, and are you doing it? . . #2monthspostpartum #fitmum #emilyskye #postpartum

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„Ég verð aldrei söm, líkamlega séð (sem er ekki slæmt),“ skrifar Emily við samsetta mynd af kviðvöðvum sínum fyrir óléttuna og vöðvunum tveimur mánuðum eftir fæðingu.

„Ég er að gera það mesta úr því sem ég hef. Ég er enn með lausa húð á maganum en kviðvöðvarnir eru að láta sjá sig aftur – sem sýnir mér að það sem ég er að gera er að virka,“ bætir hún við.

Allt rétt við þetta

Emily fer eftir svokölluðu FIT-prógrammi sem sameinar æfingar, hollt mataræði, núvitund og hvatningaræfingar. Emily stundar líkamsrækt undir eftirliti læknis og hefur verið að fikra sig hægt og áfram í hinum ýmsu æfingum síðan í janúar síðastliðnum.

I did a resistance band workout today. Mia didn’t want to be away from me so I brought her outside with me so she could watch me. It worked out well because I got to give her kisses in between sets! ?? . It’s hard to get a workout in with a newborn who needs their mummy constantly but I fit it in when I can – as long as it’s not taking me away from Mia. . I’m feeling so good being able to exercise lightly! It reminds me why I started living this lifestyle in the first place (about 8.5 years ago). Being healthy and active makes me feel great! It helps with everything in my life – especially being a mother now. ? Bring on next week when I start my FIT Program with all the ladies in my FIT community! I’m so pumped! ?? Who’s joining us? ? . ✨ You can trial my FIT program for FREE for 7 days – click the link in my profile or go to: www.emilyskyefit.com ✨ . If there’s something you really want then find a way to get it! – It’s up to YOU! ??☺️ . . @emilyskye_ig . . . ??‍♀️ Workout videos: @emilyskyefitness . . . #5weekspostpartum .

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Hins vegar hafa neikvæðar raddir látið í sér heyra vegna þess hve Emily byrjaði fljótt að æfa aftur. Hún svarar gagnrýninni á Instagram.

„Sumt fólk misskilur ástæður mínar á bak við það að lifa heilbrigðum lífsstíl og telja það sjálfselskt því ég er orðin mamma. Að vera í góðu formi, sterkur og heilbrigður er mér mikilvægt, aðallega út af líðan minni. Og ef ég er hamingjusöm er ég svo mikið betri móðir dóttur minnar Miu og betri maki mannsins míns Dec og svo framvegis,“ skrifar Emily.

I barely recognise myself when I look in the mirror! . I’m far from a “glam mum” HAHA! ? – I currently live in what you could call “granny undies”, it hurts to do much with the stitches from my episiotomy, and feeding is extremely painful – I had no idea it would be this bad! ? My back is still really sore and when I walk around it literally feels like my insides are going to fall out. ? I also had diastasis recti that was 3 finger widths apart the day after giving birth. . My pregnancy was not how I thought it would be, I thought I’d be exercising regularly the whole way through but that did not happen as I was sick a lot of the time and had back pain that made it hard to just walk around the house. I ended up gaining over 21kg during my pregnancy in fat, fluid, baby, placenta etc. . So many people told me I would “bounce right back” after giving birth like a lot of other fit women do. – Well that’s definitely not the case for me! It’s only 5 days after I gave birth to Mia and I look about 6 or so months pregnant. I can tell I’m going to have a LOT of hard work ahead of me to get fit and strong again which I KNOW I can do but it’s not my priority right now – spending this time with my daughter is. Getting my “body back” can take a back seat for the time being… I’ll get there in a realistic time frame & I refuse to put pressure on myself to get there. . I am SO blessed and beyond happy to bring home my baby girl Mia today. I feel completely content. I look at her and start crying because of the overwhelming love I have for her and I love my body SO much for growing this precious little person. ???? . . #5dayspostpartum #mumlife #bodypositive #blessed .

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Hún segir ekkert að því að vilja líta vel út, þó hreysti sé ávallt í fyrsta sæti hjá henni.

„Svo lengi sem ég er ekki að fórna heilsunni til að líta út á ákveðinn hátt og svo lengi sem þetta hefur ekki neikvæð áhrif á fjölskyldu mína þá sé ég ekkert að þessu. Þvert á móti finnst mér allt rétt við þetta.“


Athugasemdir eru á ábyrgð þeirra sem þær skrá. Mannlíf áskilur sér þó rétt til að eyða ummælum sem metin verða sem ærumeiðandi eða ósæmileg. Smelltu hér til að tilkynna óviðeigandi athugasemdir.

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