Fimmtudagur 13. mars, 2025
6.1 C

Alleged victims of Dr. Skúli up to fourteen: Deaths are being investigated as manslaughter


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Alleged victims of Dr. Skúli Tómas Gunnlaugsson’s medical malpractice are now up to fourteen. Nine of those have passed away.

As told by Vísir, the investigation now being conducted by the police in Suðurnes, which has to do with alleged medical malpractice by a head doctor at Suðurnes Hospital and Health Center, resulted in the death of nine patients; not six as had previously been stated before Mannlíf’s detailed coverage of the case late last year.

The deaths of Dr. Skúli’s patients happened in the years 2018 to 2020. The cases of five more patients are being investigated. Those patients had been placed on end-of-life care for no reason, before being transferred to a nursing home and getting off the treatment.

Dr. Skúli requested access to all case files and data used in the investigation in the Court of Appeal (Landsréttur), that recently ruled that he would be granted access to parts of the data requested.

The police in Suðurnes claims that the investigation into the cases of eight patients out of fourteen, is still in early stages. It is suspected that Dr. Skúli is responsible for wrongly diagnosing and treating the patients in question. He would therefore be guilty of manslaughter in addition to more criminal offences.

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Alma Möller, the Director of Health, granted Dr. Skúli an ongoing licence to practice at Landspítali, where he has been working recently. She did so in spite of having written a report that is extremely critical of Dr. Skúli, to say the very least.


- Auglýsing -

This article was originally written in Icelandic by Björgvin Gunnarsson.


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