Föstudagur 14. mars, 2025
3.8 C

„Icelanders cannot be bothered with having children“


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Many were baffled by a post in a public group on Facebook, and some even took to Twitter to express their astonishment. The discussion then became viral on Twitter. The original post on Facebook was made by a person complaining about non-Icelandic speaking people working in service.

„English speaking people should not be hired for service positions,“ the individual wrote.

The post took a surprising turn when another person commented on it. According to said person, the reason for English speaking individuals working in service in Iceland is simple enough. Icelanders simply cannot be bothered with having children, and therefore English will probably become the official language of the nation before long.

„Icelanders cannot be bothered with having children anymore, with only 1,7 children per woman, and so, this is the future, and English might as well become the national language.“

As previously stated, both the post and the comment gained some attention, but people seemed to either find them hilarious or just terribly rude.


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This article was originally written in Icelandic by Katrín Heiða Guðjónsdóttir.


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